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Laughs Giraffes & Epitaphs


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 Album:    Laughs,
Giraffes & Epitaphs

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Clocks, Cobwebs & Chalk


Washing Machine

Big Dig

Rumble Mountain

No More Heroes


Ed’s Sofa

Peg, Picture Piece - The Square Pags:
 Some Answer & That Hammer;  Unfit!

05 Washing Machine.mp3

Words:  Ed Hooke
  Jon Hunt
Date of Composition/Copyright:   1990
Date of Recording:    1994

Almost detached bewilderment as the strain begins to tell on a relationship presented to friends, and seen by them, as 'perfect'.

The music was written by Jon Hunt who attempted to imitate my musical style!

For more than 30 years, Comet was a warehouse retailer of electrical goods (including washing machines) in the UK until it finally went bust in 2012.

In 1990 Radion was a brand new brand of (clothes) washing powder.  It was withdrawn in 2000.

Sing a song of sixpence

a pocket full of vomit.

We've got a new washing machine.

The price was the same as at Comet.

And every day's a brand new day

but somebody forgot to tell God

and with Radion

all odours are gone

and no-one thinks it's odd.

 What does it mean?

We've got a new washing machine.

It makes the clothes clean.

It doesn't matter how dirty they've been

Washing Machine
Washing Machine

Mary had a little lamb.

Its fleece was as white as soot.

They both could have used our new washing machine

when the lamb decorated her foot.

And dirty linen's wearing thin

and hanging out to dry.

Oh it seems 'hello'

was long ago.

Was the washing machine a 'good buy'?

Our clothes are all in.

So let the programme begin.

Into a spin.

The water and suds go round and round.